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Reactome Services


Human Virome Antibody Reactome Profiler

Gain a comprehensive view of an individual's viral exposure and vaccine response history.

What does VirSIGHT cover?

VirSIGHT is a peptide-level library covering all viruses known to infect humans:
species-level taxonomic IDs
unique taxonomic IDs
protein sequences and isoforms

Database: UniProt (queried in 2023)

What does VirSIGHT contain?

unique ~60 aa peptides

Three applications of characterizing viral antibodies


Reveal exposures to specific viruses that contribute to a disease process.

Detecting unknown transient, latent or chronic infections can lead to the discovery of novel associations with disease phenotypes in cross-sectional and longitudinal studies.

Example finding

This is how the viral connection between the Epstein-Barr Virus and multiple sclerosis was proven.



Illuminate specific ways the immune system fights off viruses.

By detailing the different antibodies individuals produce in response to a virus, scientists can learn more about how the immune system recognizes and eliminates viruses.

Example finding

This information can be used to develop new diagnostic tests, vaccines, and immunotherapies.



Provide valuable public health information.

Epidemiologic studies of antibodies can help identify gaps in immunity and detect responses to emerging pathogens.

Example finding

Reactome profiling enables unbiased serologic surveys in human populations and animal reservoirs.


How VirSIGHT Works

Using the complete set of protein sequences from the UniProt database as of 2023, our peptide-level virome antigen library covers all 529 species of eukaryotic viruses known to infect humans.

Get a comprehensive and unparalleled assessment of an individual’s unique history of viral exposures and vaccine responses in a single assay.

By analyzing overlapping tiled 60 amino acids-long peptides, our virome library design maximizes both the specificity of peptides and the sensitivity to detect antibodies that recognize larger epitopes containing a secondary structure.

VirSIGHT peptides are designed rationally, starting from biology and ending with readily interpretable data, unlike other commercial offerings, which create random peptides whose meanings need to be inferred.

Our proprietary molecular display platform MIPSA (Molecular Indexing of Proteins by Self-Assembly) provides multiple technical advantages over phage-based assays:

  • Our unique genus-level multiple sequence alignment design approach enables the optimal representation of viral diversity, with an enhanced ability to deconvolute the cross-reactivity associated with the recognition of homologous peptides.
  • This design enables 100% representation of all viral sequences at 95% identity.
  • VeraCode™ technology guarantees that only unmutated peptides are considered in the final analysis.

"Infinity Bio offers cutting edge science and technology. Its competitive pricing and high throughput capability make it ideal for processing large numbers of samples in a timely and efficient manner. Greatly appreciated is the expertise of their staff and the guidance that they provide to make science successful. They are great partners in our research!"

Jeffrey Krischer, Ph.D., M.D. (h.c.)USF

VirSIGHT Human Virome Antibody Reactome Profiler FAQs

Is my human virus of interest present in your library?

Yes! VirSIGHT contains all known viruses that infect humans.

How does VirSIGHT compare to VirScan?

VirSIGHT provides more comprehensive and updated content than VirScan. Our proprietary peptide design allows for direct comparisons of homologous peptides within each viral genus. Further, our MIPSA technology is more reliable and has improved specificity versus phage display-based alternative techniques.

Do you have other infectious agents in your library?

VirSIGHT is a viral peptide only library. However, our MIPSA technology allows for fast and cost-effective customization. We can turn any other infectious agent proteins, regardless of kingdom, into a custom antigen library to meet your specific needs.

Related Antibody Profiling Services

Our other antibody profiling services can also be combined with VirSIGHT to:

  • Identify infectious triggers of autoimmune diseases using HuSIGHT™
  • Investigate your hygiene hypothesis using AllerSIGHT™

To gain deeper insights, our standard and custom libraries can be combined to profile antibodies of the same isotype. Learn more about our custom antigen libraries.

Find Out How Our Human Virome Antibody Reactome Profiling Services Can Help You

We offer an infinity of possibilities to accelerate and advance your virome research.

In addition to standard IgG profiling, we offer detection of IgA antibodies related to mucosal immunity and IgM antibodies, which are indicative of a recent infection.

Contact us to start your project.

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