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Reactome Services


Mouse Protein Antibody Reactome Profiler

Obtain a deep understanding of how autoimmune responses impact mouse models of human disease.

What Does MuSIGHT Cover?

MuSIGHT is a peptide library of all mouse proteins:
unique genes
unique protein isoforms tiled by peptides

What Does MuSIGHT Contain?

unique and overlapping ~87 amino acid long peptides
full-length mature secreted protein isoforms

Benefits of Detecting Autoantibodies in Mouse Models

The unbiased detection of autoantibodies can:

  • Provide new insights into disease mechanisms
  • Discover novel therapeutic targets
  • Lead to the development of new drugs and diagnostic tests

It has also become clear that autoantibodies can harbor both beneficial and harmful activities, and their presence or absence can be strongly associated with divergent health outcomes.

By studying autoantibodies, researchers can gain a much more detailed understanding of how immune responses impact health and disease states.

musight mouse antibody profiler

How MuSIGHT Works

The MuSIGHT library provides an unprecedented ability to identify and characterize the full spectrum of autoantibodies present in mouse models of health and disease.

Comprehensive antibody reactome profiling can reveal new insights into the complex mechanisms underlying autoimmune responses and tumor immunity.

Discovery of novel autoantigens or signatures in mice may ultimately lead to the development of new clinical diagnostics, therapeutic targets, and personalized medicine.

“I am impressed by the speed and excellent service provided by Infinity Bio, the set-up of the experiment, logistics and analyses have worked very well."

Peter Bergman, MD. PhD.Professor, Karolinska Institute

MuSIGHT Mouse Protein Antibody Reactome Profiler Services FAQs

Is my mouse protein of interest present in the library?

Yes, all mouse proteins are represented by overlapping peptide tiles.

How does MuSIGHT compare to phage-based assays?

MuSIGHT leverages the unique advantages of MIPSA (Molecular Indexing of Proteins by Self Assembly), including the VeraCode™ system for multiplexed barcoding of each antigen to provide additional protection from the higher rate of false-positive detection associated with phage display-based methods.

How does MuSIGHT compare to protein arrays?

Protein arrays suffer from the many artifacts associated with the staining and imaging of solid supports as compared to solution phase assays. Fluorescence detection methods are also more limited in their dynamic range as compared to DNA sequencing-based technologies. Full proteome arrays are typically very costly, often resulting in underpowered studies that report false positive associations or missed subgroup responses. MuSIGHT provides a cost-effective alternative when the highly conformational epitopes of full-length proteins are not required.

Want To Go Deeper?

You may also consider combining MuSIGHT with our other antibody profiling services VirSIGHT and AllerSIGHT to help advance the role of autoimmunity or tumor immunity in the context of infections and allergic responses.

Find Out How Our MuSIGHT Mouse Protein Antibody Reactome Profiler Services Can Help You

In addition to standard IgG profiling, we offer profiling of IgA autoantibodies (related to mucosal immunity), IgM autoantibodies (indicative of a naïve reactivity or recent response), and IgE autoantibodies (related to allergic responses).

Contact us to start your project.

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