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Specialized Services

Antibody Characterization Services

Get cross-reactivity, target identification and off-target binding analysis of monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies.

Characterize the Target and the Specificity of Your Therapeutic Candidate


  • Off-target reactivity is a major cause of failed pre-clinical drug programs
  • Need for cost-efficient, high throughput technology for characterizing mAb specificity

Data suggest that up to 20% of lead monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) display deleterious off-target binding, often against difficult-to-predict unrelated targets.

Unbiased proteome-wide specificity profiling can provide a much more comprehensive picture of off-target liabilities, thereby greatly de-risking pre-clinical candidates prior to IND (investigational new drug) filing.

For therapeutic human mAb analysis, we run the full HuSIGHT assay (both full-length and peptide libraries) in replicate and serial dilution, providing you with the most comprehensive specificity analysis available in the market.

Reveal key residues and interactions by integrating molecular docking predictions and high throughput profiling data.

Are your antibody reagents specific?

According to recent reports, a shocking number of landmark studies have been found irreproducible by independent laboratories. Poly-specific and/or incorrectly annotated antibodies are often to blame.

Perhaps this is not surprising, though, considering that when more than 6,000 commercial antibodies from 26 suppliers were tested, more than 75% were found to be either nonspecific or to completely lack the intended target recognition. Similarly, when the Human Protein Atlas consortium examined more than 5,000 commercial antibodies, they found that over 50% could not be used for their intended application. 1, 2

off target binding

Up to 20% of lead monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) display deleterious off-target binding, often against difficult-to-predict unrelated targets

Antibody Characterization FAQs

How much antibody do I need to send for this service?

We require the following:

  • 50 ul minimum volume
  • 3 ng/ul minimum mAb concentration
  • 10 ng/ul minimum pAb concentration

How does Infinity Bio define antigen binding?

Infinity Bio compares the signal detected from each antigen library member after immunocapture with sample antibody, versus the corresponding signals detected after mock immunoprecipitations (5 replicates) run on the same plate alongside the mAb or pAb samples. In this way, we determine the fold-over-background binding of each library member.

Each sample, including 3 library-specific serum sample controls run on the same plate, along with each mock IP control, is individually compared against the complete set of mock IPs associated with the project.

This comparison involves adaptation of the open-source EdgeR software for data normalization, statistical testing, and fold-over-background estimation. For each sample, high-confidence binding events (“hits”) are defined as library members with FDR-adjusted p-values < 0.05 to reject the null-hypothesis that the data is drawn from the background distribution.

antibody characterization process

Which antibody analysis service is right for me?

For projects with a small number of high-value mAbs or pAbs, we suggest each undergoes extensive characterization with replicates and serial dilution. For projects involving a larger number of discovery value mAbs or pAbs, we suggest starting with a single replicate, single concentration study, as it will likely be more cost effective.

Add Value to Your Antibody Products

Antibodies targeting human or mouse proteins can be comprehensively characterized using our HuSIGHT or MuSIGHT libraries, respectively. An Infinity Bio specificity certification can add immense value to your antibody product, while empowering your customers to make the best purchasing decisions and accurately interpret their research data.

Are you expressing mAbs or pAbs of unknown target specificity?

Use our high throughput unbiased target discovery service to define your antibodies’ reactivity profiles.

Our unique sequence alignment-based tiling approach can facilitate molecular mapping of the paratope-epitope interaction surface for antibodies that recognize linear epitopes. Incorporate this data into your docking simulations to unlock critical new insights.

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