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Reactome Services


Allergen Antibody Reactome Profiler

Access a precise and detailed understanding of an individual’s allergy antibody profile.

What Does AllerSIGHT Cover?

AllerSIGHT is the most comprehensive peptide-based allergen library available, covering all known food and environmental allergens:
species-level taxonomic IDs
protein sequences

*Allergome, WHO/IUIS, AllFam, AllergenOnline, SDAP, and IEDB

What Does AllerSIGHT Contain?

unique peptides

Overcoming the Limits of Current Allergy Diagnostic Methods

Allergy is a common health challenge, ranging from mild symptoms to life-threatening anaphylaxis.

Current diagnostic methods:

  • Rely on small test panels limited to common allergens
  • Have high rates of false positives and false negatives
  • Many tests use extract without defined allergens

With AllerSIGHT:

  • The AllerSIGHT library provides researchers with comprehensive detection of allergy-causing antibodies (IgE) and antibodies that can interfere with IgE or convert into IgE.

Allergic antibody detection using peptides has been found to provide higher specificity versus extracts and component tests.

How AllerSIGHT Works

Using the complete set of protein sequences from UniProt (Allergome), WHO/IUIS, AllFam, AllergenOnline, SDAP and IEDB databases as of 2023, our peptide-level allergen library AllerSIGHT contains all known food and environmental allergens, covering 501 distinct organisms known to trigger an allergic response in humans and other animals.

Get a comprehensive and unparalleled assessment of an individual’s unique IgG or IgE antibody response in a single assay.

By analyzing overlapping 56 amino acid-long peptide tiles, our allergome library design maximizes both the specificity of peptides and the sensitivity to detect antibodies that recognize larger epitopes, often containing secondary structure.

Our AllerSIGHT peptides are designed rationally, starting from biology and ending with readily interpretable data, unlike other commercial offerings, which use random peptides to generate data that is difficult to interpret.

Our proprietary molecular display platform MIPSA (Molecular Indexing of Proteins by Self Assembly) provides multiple technical advantages over phage-based assays and with our VeraCode ™ technology, we ensure that only unmutated peptides contribute to the final data set.

With unbiased identification of allergen peptide-reactive antibodies, AllerSIGHT offers a more precise and detailed understanding of individual allergic antibody profiles. Improved understanding of allergies will pave the way for the creation of more targeted and effective diagnostic tests and therapies.

“The new MIPSA technology offered by Infinity Bio is a game changer that allows us to characterize rapidly the allergome of companion animal species. This collaboration saves us years of work! The Infinity Bio team is professional, responsive, and highly competent."

Thierry OlivryHead of R&D, Nextmune, Stockholm, Sweden

AllerSIGHT Allergen Antibody Reactome Profiler FAQs

Does this library contain my protein allergen of interest?

Yes, our library contains all documented protein allergens.

When should you use AllerSIGHT versus ELISA testing?

AllerSIGHT uses our proprietary MIPSA technology that provides a greater breadth of allergen testing versus single allergen and targeted panels. Extract testing often results in false positives and false negatives.

How does AllerSIGHT compare to AllerScan or phage-based assays?

AllerSIGHT uses our propriety display technology MIPSA, which is more reliable, with improved specificity versus phage display-based alternative techniques.

Related Antibody Profiling Services

Our other antibody profiling services can also be combined with AllerSIGHT to:

  • Investigate your hygiene hypothesis using VirSIGHT
  • Research connections between autoimmune and allergic responses using HuSIGHT

To gain deeper insights, our standard and custom libraries can be combined to profile antibodies of the same isotype. Learn more about our custom antigen libraries.

Find Out How Our AllerSIGHT Allergen Antibody Reactome Profiling Services Can Support Your Research

Our profiling services include the detection of IgG, IgA and/or IgE antibodies.

Contact us to start your project.

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