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Our Technology

Quality & Lab Automation

Experience top-tier quality and efficiency with our cutting-edge automated processes tailored for our MIPSA technology.
Laboratory Information Management System

Robust sample tracking via state-of-the-art LIMS

Central to our operations is a state-of-the-art Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) tailored specifically for our MIPSA (Molecular Indexing of Proteins by Self-Assembly) antibody reactome profiling technology.

Our advanced LIMS boasts sophisticated informatics pipelines to streamline sample tracking and data entry processes. This automation eliminates manual errors, ensuring accuracy and efficiency in our high-throughput environment.

LIMS - Laboratory Information Management System
liquid handling robots
Lab Automation


Powering our laboratory are liquid handling robots that perform most processes, from reaction setup to NGS (Next Generation Sequencing) library preparation.

Our automation efficiently handles large sample numbers, yielding rapid and dependable results with minimal manual involvement.

Excellence Through Service

Quality in Antibody Reactome Profiling

Quality is at the forefront of everything we do.

We are dedicated to safeguarding our products and services and clients by ensuring the highest level of compliance with the regulatory standards and internal objectives of our organizational standards and those of our clients.

Our superior services:

  • Follow applicable federal and international regulations such as Good Laboratory and Data Management processes
  • We pride ourselves not just in the effectiveness of our technology, the quality of our equipment and the robustness of our protocols, in the skills, training and qualification of our team that is comprised of technical professionals who are industry subject matter experts attuned to industry standards and regulatory expectations and are familiar with its challenges.

Our quality standards are not limited to regulatory compliance; they also incorporate the quality requirements of our customers and partners. Based on the principle of Excellence Through Service, we are committed to delivering services tailored to the specific needs of our unique clients.

Looking into the future, we seek to continuously raise the bar, establishing ourselves as a leader in antibody reactome profiling while incorporating innovative ideas and methods to meet the quality and service requirements of our clients in an economically favorable way.

antibody reactome profiling equipment