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Antibody Reactome Profiling Applications

Below are just some of the many ways in which biomedical researchers are using antibody profiling.
autoimmune disease research icon

Autoimmune Disease Research

Our diverse and complementary autoantibody detection products will uncover molecular targets and patterns of reactivity associated with autoimmune diseases, such as lupus, multiple sclerosis, scleroderma, etc.

We can help you understand the specific immune targets within the body’s own tissues, which underly the mechanisms of these diseases.

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allergen research icon

Allergy Research

Take an unbiased approach to characterizing allergic antibodies, including food allergies and environmental allergies (e.g., pollen, dust mites). We empower researchers to understand and characterize the specific allergens – at epitope resolution – involved in immune reactions, identifying biomarkers to improve diagnostic and therapeutic strategies.

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cancer immunotherapy icon

Cancer Immunotherapy

Antibody reactome profiling can be utilized in the field of cancer immunotherapy to assess the immune response against cancer cells. Take an unbiased approach to identifying tumor-specific antibodies and evaluating the efficacy of immunotherapeutic interventions, such as immune checkpoint inhibitors or monoclonal antibodies. Undesirable immune-related adverse events (irAEs) can also be detected and characterized by antibody profiling.

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biomarker icon

Target and Biomarker Discovery

Let Infinity Bio help you discover novel therapeutic targets or biomarkers associated with various diseases. By analyzing the antibody profiles of patients with specific conditions, you can discover reactivity patterns or specific antibodies associated with disease presence, initiation, progression, modulation, or protection. Better patient stratification will lead to more targeted and effective treatment approaches.

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bio surveillance icon

Bio Surveillance

Emerging infectious diseases repeatedly threaten global health. Many viruses with pandemic potential circulate in animal reservoirs and several are transmitted by arthropod vectors. In recent decades, global health organizations have emphasized the importance of surveillance for emerging viruses alongside the development of countermeasures, such as vaccines, to mitigate the impact of outbreaks.

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